Professor George DELLIS

George is a Professor of Public Law at the Law Faculty of the University of Athens. George holds a PhD from the University of Paris II – Panthéon Assas, having also been awarded the distinction of conducting research and teaching at the University of Paris (Habilitation à diriger des recherches en droit) since 1994.

Professor Dellis concluded a term as Assistant (Référendaire) at the Court of Justice of the EU (1996-2000), while at the same time he was a Lecturer at the European Institute of Public Administration in Maastricht (1995-1997). George has also served as visiting scholar in Ann Arbor (MI) at the School of Law, University of Michigan (2015) and the Bahcesehir University of Istanbul (2007-2009).

At the Athens Law Faculty, Professor Dellis is mainly teaching administrative law, administrative procedure, environmental law and law and economics (public regulation of markets and economic analysis of law).

George is an active member of the Athens Bar since 1991, having an outstanding record of cases before national courts of all levels, as well as the European Courts.

Professor Dellis is the author of several books and research papers (in Greek, English and French), mainly in the fields of public regulation and market liberalization, law and economics and environmental law as well as administrative procedure. To date, he is a highly ranked academic in these fields. He is author of the following books:

  1. Droit pénal et droit administratif: l’influence des principes du droit pénal sur le droit administratif répressif [in French], Paris, LGDJ, 1997, XVII +464 pages (Bibliothèque de droit public, tome 184).
  2. European Environmental Law [in Greek], N. Sakkoulas Publishers, Athens-Komotini, 1998, 431 pages.
  3. Public Utilities and the Market. Vol. I. “Market-oriented” Regulation for Public Utilities [in Greek], Ant. N. Sakkoulas Publishers, Athens-Komotini, 2008, ΧΧΙV + 390 pages.
  4. Public Utilities and the Market. Vol. II. Liberalized Utilities Law (Electronic Communications, Energy, Post, Transport, Broadcasting) [in Greek],  Ant. N. Sakkoulas Publishers, Athens-Komotini, 2008, ΧΧΙΙ + 596 pages.
  5. Sabino Cassese, Oltre lo Stato, Translation in Greek (also with M. Andrikopoulos and A. Chasapopoulos), Ant. N. Sakkoulas Publishers, Athens 2009, 274 pages.
  6. Greek Administrative Justice in the Quest of Reasonable Time [in Greek],  Nomiki Vivliothiki eds, Athens 2013 ΧΧΧΙ + 431 pages.
  7. Application for just satisfaction according to Law 4055/2012 [in Greek], Nomiki Vivliothiki eds, Athens 2013, ΧΙΧ +  171 pages.
  8. “Hellenic Competition Commission:  Institutional design, Procedure, Legal Remedies”, in: Tzouganatos D., Free Competition Law [in Greek], Nomiki Vivliothiki eds (2nd edition), 2020, 1-170 pages.
  9. Tzouganatos et. al. (ed.), Competition Law in Greece [in English] , Wolters Kluwer Law and Business, The Netherlands 2015, 308 pages.
  10. Demos and Agora: An Economic Analysis of Public law [in Greek], Eurasia Publications 2018, 479 pages.
  11. An Economic Analysis of Public Law: Demos and Agora [in English], Edward Elgar Publishing 2021, 291 pages.
  12. The new law of public procurement. A general analysis of the new Law 4782/2021 (Edit.), Nomiki Bibliothiki 2021, 652 pages.
Languages: Greek, French, English, Italian, German