
Our experience in this field is wide and covers most aspects in the sections we specialize in. In general, though, we offer legal services, including:

  • Legal opinions and day-to-day counselling regarding all aspects of everyday business intercourse with public authorities at all levels.
  • Preparation of complaints challenging all kinds of administrative actions.
  • Preparation and participation in hearings before administrative authorities and institutions – Presentations and trainings.
  • Drafting of regulation.
  • Dispute resolution at all levels of administrative courts in Greece, including the Greek Council of State, arbitration proceedings, as well as proceedings before the EU courts and the ECtHR.
  • Preparation of damages claims against unlawful administrative action.
  • Legal support to public authorities and the State throughout the fulfilment of certain public policies.
  • Legal counselling and litigation concerning state officials status and disciplinary actions.

In the context of environmental protection, Greek legislation gathers a wide variety of sectors, including cultural heritage protection. Dellis and Partners Law Firm is highly experienced in the field, providing counselling and litigation services in numerous cases, such as:

  • Environmental licensing for industries (chemicals, cement, metallurgical, food and beverages).
  • Power plants (gas, lignite, biogas, biomass), hydros, transmission lines and desalination units.
  • Gas pipelines, including Projects of Common Interest (PCI).
  • Wind parks and other RES plants licensing and construction.
  • Oil and Gas drilling
  • Quarries, mines.
  • Transport infrastructure, including airports, ports, marinas, highways, railway, urban transport and underground.
  • Tourism facilities (hotels, resorts, spas).
  • Waste treatment units and landfill.
  • Protection of species and habitats – Biodiversity.
  • Protection of cultural heritage, including, archaeological sites, monuments, historical sites and modern day listed structures.

Some key areas of expertise covered by our specialized team include:

  • Industrial and tourism infrastructure in areas protected by forest legislation.
  • Integrated land development projects for various purposes: review of planning, licensing, drafting of legislation, day-to-day counselling and litigation.
  • Licensing by Greek authorities in the context of archaeological protection (Ministry of Culture).
  • Marinas and port development and licensing.

Our experience covers a rather broad area of legal services:

  • Opinions on various legal matters regarding EU and national legislation on public procurement.
  • Litigation regarding public tender procedures before the competent Independent Authority, Administrative Court of Appeals in Greece and the Greek Council of State.
  • Legal counselling regarding public fiscal accounts related the approval and execution of public contracts – Litigation before the Greek Court of Auditors.
  • Legal counselling for contracting authorities regarding the launching of a public tender.
  • Day-to-day counselling and assistance for participants in public tenders (e.g. submission of files, review of offers, complaints and litigation).
  • Participation in competitive dialogue procedures, concession awards and Public-Private-Partnerships (PPPs).
  • Representation before the independent authority for complaints in public tenders, arbitrations and domestic and EU courts, including interim relief procedures.
  • Legal counselling throughout the execution of public contracts, primarily regarding fulfillment of obligations on behalf of the State.

Our experience covers a wide area of cases, including:

  • Cartel cases invarious product markets in Greece (dairy, flour, supermarkets, insurance, shipping, media, telecoms, public procurement)
  • Abuse of dominance in areas such as electricity, gas, telecoms, gambling, ports, waste management, food and beverage.
  • Collusion in the field of public tender procedures and interaction with public procurement regulations.
  • State aid in the fields of energy, RES, tourism infrastructure, transport and railways, industry (eg. metallurgy, cement).
  • Settlement and leniency procedures before the HCC.
  • Filing merger notifications.
  • Specific expertise in representing cases before the Athens Administrative Court of Appeals and the Council of State.


Our experience includes areas as:


  • Power purchase agreements.
  • Tariffs, levies and state aid in the energy sector, primarily to big scale consumers
  • Regulation (tariff, market, social) and licensing of energy infrastructure and services.
  • Liberalization process of gas and electricity markets
  • Due diligence of energy projects, including large scale power plants, Renewables and grids.
  • Day to day operation of energy markets.
  • Representation before the regulators (RAE, HCC and European Commission and agencies).
  • Dispute resolution and arbitration.
  • One stop shop legal services include also all environmental law matters (consulting, licensing, litigation).
  • Licensing of oil exploration and drilling.


In this sector, our track is considerable as it also covers the following:

  • Cost and tariff control before the national regulator (EETT) and the Greek administrative courts.
  • Regulation and licensing of telecoms services and infrastructure.
  • Dispute resolution regarding sanctions by the national regulator (EETT).
  • Bundled TV and telecom services
  • Universal Service obligations
  • Safety and environment restrictions regarding network deployment
  • State aid issues

Some key features of our respective experience in the field of regulation in general, include:

  • Tobacco products, including novel tobacco products, licensing, distribution and marketing.
  • Licensing, operation and supervision of undertakings in railway markets.
  • Bank of Greece, government and EU regulations as applied to the banking and insurance sector
  • Consumer protection restrictions from an administrative law angle.
  • Licensing, import, export and advertising of pharmaceutical products and R&D issues in the field.
  • Licensing and R&D in the field of phytosanitary products
  • Port concessions for industrial or tourism purposes: licensing, construction, operation.
  • Gambling exclusive rights/monopoly operation scheme and related issues.

We traditionally offer legal services in all aspects of data protection law, primarily before the Data Protection Authority (DPA) and administrative courts in Greece, such as:

  • Legal opinions and day-to-day counselling on data protection regarding everyday business.
  • Assistance to Data Protection Officers (DPOs).
  • Introduction of audit mechanisms and internal codes and toolkits for regulatory compliance with the GDPR – Presentations and trainings.
  • Legal counselling throughout the preparation of impact assessments (DPIA).
  • Dispute resolution regarding DPA decisions, including sanctions – Representation before Greek administrative courts of all levels.

Our expertise in this field covers the following examples:

  • Free to air TV stations auctions and licensing by the Government and, more recently, by the NCRTV.
  • Regulation for satellite and cable TV services.
  • Operation of the digital transmission network.
  • Dispute resolution regarding sanctions imposed by the NCRTV on various TV and radio programs.
  • Compatibility of domestic law restrictions with EU legislation.
  • Compliance with antitrust rules.
  • Network deployment and environmental protection requirements.

Our experience in this particular field includes:

  • Legal opinions and counselling in arbitration proceedings between financial institutions and supervisory bodies.
  • Legal counselling regarding data protection (e.g. introduction of internal codes of conduct), consumer protection (e.g. review of internal policies), competition (e.g. assistance in internal audit and regulatory compliance mechanisms).
  • Litigation before national courts regarding licensing, sanctioning and, in general, State intervention in the banking and insurance sectors.

Our team holds a strong experience in human rights protection, having participated in ‘spotlight’ cases that emerged over the past years. Our services include:

  • Legal opinions on a wide range of aspects (e.g. energy, sanctions, antitrust, banking supervision etc.).
  • Representation before national courts on matters related, directly or indirectly, to human rights protection (e.g. television broadcasting, access to justice on environmental disputes, protection of property for public and private insurance institutions).
  • Representation before the European Court of Human Rights.

Our litigation experience covers a full-range of tax cases, such as:

  • Real estate taxation.
  • VAT, indirect tax litigation.
  • M&A taxation.
  • Municipal tax and levies.
  • Special tax regimes for various activities.
  • Public enforcement measures (e.g. seizure of property, freezing of bank accounts).

Education-based counselling and litigation include:

  • Appointment of teaching personnel at Universities.
  • Academic and professional rights for EU universities degree holders.
  • Membership to research institutions, such as the Academy of Athens.
  • State funding and operational issues of research institutions.